Residences, A.G. Vanderbilt.
Residence of Cornelius Vanderbilt 1908 Fifth Ave. & West 58th Street.
Residences, J.J. Van Allen, Newport, Rhode Island.
[Mrs. C H. Coster residence.]
Residence, Mrs. Stevens, Castlepoint, Hoboken, New Jersey.
Tuxedo Park, N.Y., Residences, Churches, Depot, Boating. [Residence of F.R. Halsey, Esq.]
Residence, Miss Helen Gould (Late Jay Gould Residence).
Residences, Nicholas Wolf, Tuxedo Park, N.Y.
Residence, Cornelius Vanderbilt, N.W. Corner 57th St. & Fifth Ave.
Tuxedo Park, N.Y., Residences, Churches, Depot, Boating.
Residence, John Jacob Astor, Rhinecliff, New York.