"Old Honesty" Among the Ruins of Tammany.
The New Democratic Party Whip - Whipping into Line.
Diogenes Has Found the Honest Man. - (Which Is Diogenes, and Which Is the Honest Man?)
The Death-Bed Marriage. The Daughter of Democracy Has at Last Married a "Nigger!" (A Radical Black Republican)
The Whited Sepulchre. Covering the Monument of Infamy with his White Hat and Coat.
"None But the Brave Deserves the Fair."
"Anything For Revenge!" - A La Commune.
"Old Honesty"
Adding Insult to Injury. Anything to Make our Republic Look Ridiculous.
Something That Did Blow Over
A Box Stew; or, an Enviable Position.
"What Are You Laughing At? To the Victor Belong the spoils."
What H___ G___ Knows About Bailing.
"What Are You Going to Do About It," if "Old Honesty" Lets Him Loose Again?
"Let Us Clasp Hands Over the Bloody Chasm." - Horace Greeley
Keynote of the Campaign.
What I Know About Horace Greeley.
What H.G. Knows About Thraeshing.
It Is the Immediate Jewel of her Soul
The Cincinnati Convention, in a Pickwickian Sense.