The American Fireman. Rushing to the Conflict.
The American Fireman. Always Ready.
The Life of a Fireman.
The Life of a Fireman
The American Fireman, Facing the Enemy.
The Last War-Whoop.
[Doctor treating fireman overcome by fumes at cold storage plant fire.]
[Doctor and fireman treating man with an oxygen mask.]
Insured in the American Insurance Company of Newark, N.J. The Fire.- "Now then with a Will- Shake Her Up Boys!"
[Certificate of Charles Hester, for his duty in the Fire Department in Long Island City.]
[Fire fighters with an injured man.]
The Darktown Fire Brigade - To the Rescue!
[Helping an injured person.]
The Celebrated Mare Flora Temple, "The Queen of the Turf."
Life in the Woods.
"Trotting Cracks" on the Snow