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Messrs. Chas. S. Ditson & Son, New York.

Messrs. Chas. S. Ditson & Son, New York.

Harp Department, Chas. H. Ditson & Co., New York.

Harp Department, Chas. H. Ditson & Co., New York.

Ditson, 8 E. 34th Street.

Ditson, 8 E. 34th Street.

Ditson, 8 E. 34th St.

Ditson, 8 E. 34th St.

Edison Phonograph Co.

Edison Phonograph Co.

Keuffel & Esser Co., Drawing Materials and Surveying Instruments, Interior.

Keuffel & Esser Co., Drawing Materials and Surveying Instruments, Interior.

New York Belting and Packing Co., 93 Park Place.

New York Belting and Packing Co., 93 Park Place.

Lloyd, W. & S. Co., Wall papers.

Lloyd, W. & S. Co., Wall papers.

8-12 East 34th Street. Ditson Building.

8-12 East 34th Street. Ditson Building.

Lloyd, W. & S. Co., Wall papers.

Lloyd, W. & S. Co., Wall papers.

Lloyd, W. & S. Co., Wall papers.

Lloyd, W. & S. Co., Wall papers.

Moe Levy, New York.

Moe Levy, New York.

Moe Levy, New York.

Moe Levy, New York.

H. Peck Piano Co.

H. Peck Piano Co.

H. Peck P. Co.

H. Peck P. Co.

New York Belting and Packing Co., 93 Park Place.

New York Belting and Packing Co., 93 Park Place.

New York Belting and Packing Co., 93 Park Place.

New York Belting and Packing Co., 93 Park Place.

Bates & Co., 176 Duane St.

Bates & Co., 176 Duane St.

Bates & Co., 176 Duane St.

Bates & Co., 176 Duane St.

Geo. Borgfeldt Co., New York.

Geo. Borgfeldt Co., New York.

Messrs. Chas. H. Ditson & Co., New York.

Accession number 
Unique identifier MNY33522 
Dated 1910 
Object Type photograph
Inscription / technical details "Messrs. Chas. H. Ditson & Co., New York" on neg. 
Physical dimensions width: 14 in
height: 11 in 
File dimensions 22.1 in × 17.2 in at 300dpi
56.1 cm × 43.8 cm at 300dpi 

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