West 33rd Street. Office Building, watercolor rendering by Hughson Hawley.
33rd Street. Looking west.
Broadway & 33rd Street, N. Y. City
10 West 33rd Street. Detail of entrance.
445-447 West 33rd Street. French Hospital, addition.
175 East 33rd Street and 488-96 3rd Avenue, N. W. corner of 3rd Avenue and East 33rd Street. Old buildings.
10 West 33rd Street. Remodeled entrance lobby, looking in.
428-38 West 33rd Street. Street view looking west
View of Herald Square looking north from 33rd Street Elevated station.
6th Avenue and 33rd Street. Gimbels Store.
[Cambridge Building, southwest corner of 33rd Street and 5th Avenue.]
33rd Street and Madison Avenue, N.E. corner. Burrell Building.
1311 Broadway. Photo of hole near escalator on 33rd Street.
33rd Street and Broadway. Crawford Store at Hotel McAlpin, general view.
10 West 33rd Street. Entrance lobby prior to alterations, looking in from 33rd Street entrance.
Greeley Square, Broadway at 33rd Street.
1 Park Avenue at 33rd Street, S.E. corner. Building.
33rd Street at the N.E. corner of Madison Avenue. Burrell Building.