["Too True to Be Good" theater still.]
[Beatrice Lillie as Sweetie The Nurse in "Too Good to Be True".]
Beatrice Lillie in Too True To Be Good by Bernard Shaw
["A Visit to a Small Planet" theater still.]
["A Majority of One" theater still.]
["Take Me Along" theater still.]
["The Dark at the Top of the Stairs" theater still.]
["The Curious Savage" theater still.]
[Eileen Heckart in "You Know I Can't Hear You When the Water's Running".]
["The Music Man" theater still.]
[Eileen Heckart and Martin Balsam in "You Know I Can't Hear You When the Water's Running".]
["Venus at Large" theater still.]
[Rehearsal for "The Merchant".]
[The creators of "West Side Story" at rehearsal.]