The local extravaganza of fun, fashion and frolic in three acts, by John F. Poole, Esq., "The Devil in the Bowery", Saturday evening, January 2, 1864
Wednesday evening, April 16, 1862, the performances will commence with the original drama in three acts, entitled "The Spirit Friend; or, The Angel of Night"
Friday evening, December 1, 1865, will be presented the magnificent drama of "Kenneth; or, The Weird Woman of the Glen"
Wednesday evening, February 11, 1857, the performance will commence with "The Magic Harp of Altenberg; or, The Wife's Avenger"
Mr. E. Eddy as Badger in "The Poor of New York", Tuesday evening, June 7, 1864
Saturday evening, June 27, 1857, the performance will commence with the ever-popular play in five acts, entitled "The Stranger"
Thursday evening, January 31, 1861, the performances will commence with the beautiful three-act Irish drama of "O'Flanigan and the Fairies"
Monday evening, December 17, 1866, will be presented the drama of the passions, in five acts, by Augustin Daly, entitled "Griffith Gaunt; or, Jealousy", founded on a novel by Charles Reade
Friday evening, June 21, 1861, the performances will commence with the fairy spectacle in three acts, of "O'Flanigan and the Fairies"
On Thursday evening, August 26, 1841, the performances will commence with "The Surgeon of Paris; or, The Massacre of the Huguenots"
Wednesday evening, July 2, 1856, the entertainments will commence with Shakespeare's tragedy of "Macbeth"
Tuesday evening, February 10, 1857, will be performed for the second time in New York, J. B. Howe's great drama in four acts, entitled "The British Slave; or, Seven Years of a Soldier's Life"
Wednesday evening, February 18, 1857, the performances will commence with, for the third time in New York, a local drama in three acts by J. B. Howe, entitled "Uncle Sam; or, The Maniac of the Tombs"
This evening, Saturday, June 25, 1853, the performance will commence with Schiller's celebrated play of "The Robbers"
Thursday evening, June 25, 1857, the performance will commence with the play in five acts, entitled "Love's Sacrifice; or, The Rival Merchants", with Mrs. T. S. Hamblin as Margaret Elmore
Saturday evening, May 29, 1869, will be acted the old favorite drama of "Putnam, the Iron Son of '76"
Saturday evening, March 28, 1857, will be presented a new and interesting drama in three acts, entitled "Claude Loraine; or, The Peasant, the Libertine and the Brigand"
Tuesday evening, March 31, 1857, first appearance of Miss Mary Agnes, the charming American tragedienne, who will make her debut as Bianca, the Italian Wife in the great play of "Fazio"
Monday evening, April 20, 1868, will be acted the magnificent play in five acts, of "Jack Cade; or, The Rebels of Kent"
Brougham's Bowery Theatre. Sun burst of the legitimate. Tuesday evening, October 21, 1856, the performances will commence with Kotzebue's great play of "The Stranger"