[Avon Long as Zodzetrick and Carmen Balthrop in the title role of "Treemonisha", Act I.]
[Carmen Balthrop in the title role of "Treemonisha", Act 2.]
[The "A Real Slow Drag" number in "Treemonisha".]
["Treemonisha" theater still.]
[Act 3 of "Treemonisha".]
[Camille Seygard in the title role of "Carmen".]
Avon Long.
[Marie Bryant as The Cocoa Girl, William Dillard as The Horn, and Avon Long as Careless Love in "Beggar's Holiday".]
[Maurice Evans as the title role and Carmen Mathews as the Queen in "King Richard II".]
[Carmen Mathews as Maria, Fritz Weaver as Van Miessen and Alfred Drake in the title role of "Lorenzo".]
[Alfred Drake in the title role and Carmen Mathews as Maria in "Lorenzo".]
[Viola Wilson as the title role in "Patience".]
Debria Brown as Carmen.