[Elizabeth Wilson as Martha Wilkins and Martin Gabel as Joseph Mayflower in "Sheep on the Runway".]
[Bramwell Fletcher as Marechal Francios de Sevres and Eva Gabor as Gabrielle in "Little Glass Clock".]
[Elizabeth Wilson as Mrs. Peachum and Caroline Kava as Polly Peachum in "Threepenny Opera".]
[Elizabeth Wilson as Aaronetta Gibbs in "Morning's at Seven".]
[Martin Gabel as Joseph Mayflower, Elizabeth Wilson as Martha Wilkins and Richard Castellano as Prince Gow in "Sheep on the Runway".]
[Vincent Price as Mr. Manningham and Elizabeth Eustis as Nancy in "Angel Street".]
[David Steinberg as Seymour Levin and Cicely Tyson as Myrna Jessup in "Carry Me Back to Morningside Heights".]
[Cicely Tyson as Myrna Jessup in "Carry Me Back to Morningside Heights".]
[Cast member of "Beyond the Fringe".]
[Peter Cook and Jonathan Miller in"Beyond the Fringe".]
[Diane Ladd as Alma Sue Bates in "Carry Me Back to Morningside Heights".]
[Jonathan Miller in "Beyond the Fringe".]
[Louis Gossett as Willie Nurse and Cicely Tyson as Myrna Jessup in "Carry Me Back to Morningside Heights".]
[Peter Cook, Jonathan Miller and Alan Bennett in "Beyond the Fringe".]
[Johnny Brown as Henry Hardy in "Carry Me Back to Morningside Heights".]