New play. Thrilling story. First night of the great drama, “The Courier of Lyons”, Thursday, October 19. Mr. E. Eddy in two characters
Wednesday evening, November 14, "Romeo and Juliet". 39th night of the engagement of Miss Cushman, when she will appear in her great character of Romeo with Mrs. Bowers as Juliet
Mrs. Julia Dean Hayne will play a farewell engagement prior to her departure for Europe, commencing Tuesday, June 5, 1860, when she will appear in Bulwer's great play of "The Lady of Lyons"
Julia Dean, appearing on Monday and Tuesday evenings, July 22 & 23, 1867, in the excellent play of "The Woman in White"
Monday, June 13, 1853, benefit of Mr. Wallack and last night of Shakespeare's comedy of "As You Like It" with Mr. Wallack as Jacques
Tuesday, November 10, 1857, seventh and last week of Miss Cushman, who will appear as Queen Katharine in Shakespeare's play of "King Henry the Eighth"
Saturday evening, February 24, 1866, the performance will commence with (for the last time) "Who Killed Cock Robin"
On Saturday evening, April 26, 1856, will be presented the grand romantic and moral drama in five acts, "The Marble Heart"
Wednesday evening, April 16, 1862, the performances will commence with the original drama in three acts, entitled "The Spirit Friend; or, The Angel of Night"
Wednesday evening, May 30, 1866, first benefit of Mr. M. L. Sutton, treasurer, on which occasion will be presented the new romantic drama in four acts, "Pages From the History of David Copperfield"
Miss Emma Stanley's benefit will take place this Thursday evening, July 24, on which occasion she will appear in "The Seven Ages of Woman"
Tuesday evening, November 1, 1860, will be represented Shakespeare's "Henry VIII". 28th night of the engagement of Miss Cushman, who will appear in her great character of Cardinal Wolsey
Monday evening, November 8th, 1852, "The Duke's Wager; or, A Night in the Bastile"
Thursday evening, June 14, will be acted Buckstone's drama, entitled "The Lost Son; or, Luke the Labourer"
Tuesday evening, October 9, 1860, and every night until further notice, Miss Cushman, second time here, as Meg Merrilies in the musical drama of "Guy Mannering"
Saturday evening, September 12, 1863, will be performed for the 11th time in this city, an entirely new drama in four acts by John Brougham, "The Mystery of Audley Court"
Third subscription night, "Lucrezia Borgia", Friday evening, November 7, 1851
"Diane; or, Hands Not Hearts", Tuesday evening, May 13, 1856
Miss Fanny Herring in two pieces, assisted by the popular favorite Mr. E. Lamb. "Ireland As It Was" and "Sketches in India"
Benefit of Mr. Burton. Saturday, January 30, the comedy in five acts, "The Merry Wives of Windsor"