The only Bath-tub in the Block: it hangs in the Air Shaft.
What a Search of the Lodgers brought forth.
Poverty Gappers playing Coney Island.
Map of NY--prepared by Small Parks Committee, 1897.
Athletic meets in Crotona Park.
Children's Playground. Good citizenship at the Bottom of this Barrel.
One Way of bringing the Children into Camp: Basket-weaving in Vacation School.
"Didn't live nowhere."
Teaching the Girls to Swim: Part of the Public School Course.
Coming home from Fresh Air Vacation.
A Cellar Dive in the Bend.
Coming home form Fresh Air Vacation.
Gotham Court.
A Flat in the Pauper Barracks, West Thirty-eighth Street, with all its Furniture.
Police Superintendent Murray (retired).
The Children of the Jacob A. Riis House on my lawn, summer of 1901.
[Group portrait of women.]