Buildings, W. & J. Sloane, 575 5th Avenue.
[W.J. Sloane Building. 575 5th Avenue.]
W. & J. Sloane, Fifth Avenue and 47th Street.
576 5th Avenue at the corner of West 47th Street. Howard Building.
575 5th Avenue and 47th Street, S.E. corner. Reduced copy of W.J. Sloane building.
580 5th Avenue at the corner of West 47th Street. Windsor Trust Co.
47th Street and 5th Avenue. Drawing of building.
[5th Avenue and 47th Street.]
23 West 47th Street. Commercial building
47th Street and 5th Avenue. Windsor Arcade.
[W. & J. Sloane Building.]
47th Street and 5th Avenue, N.W. corner. Empire State Trust Co. Building.
[A. Lowenbein's Sons Inc. building, 13 East 47th Street.]
150 W. 47th Street. Hotel Somerset.
[554] 5th Avenue and 45th Street. Building for Haan.
385 Madison Avenue and 47th Street [Manhattan Savings Bank.]