Hotel Commodore, Interior, Group of Sailors from the U.S.S. "Maryland" looking into furnace in boiler room.
Officers and men from the U.S.S. "Maryland" listening to a talk by Chef Leoni in Ballroom of Hotel Commodore.
Group of Policemen at Hotel Commodore.
Hotel Commodore, Group of 2, Chef Leoni & Miss ______ of Toronto.
Commodore Hotel.
Commodore Hotel, The Supper Room.
Commodore Hotel, Cafe.
Hotel Commodore.
Hotel Commodore, Interior, group, Efficiency Board--Mr. Sweeney & Dept. Heads.
Hotel Commodore, Group on roof, Chef Leoni and cooks.
Hotel Commodore, Group on roof, Chef Leoni and Cooks and girls.
[Hotel Commodore.]
Photograph of Hotel Commodore, Interior group of students from Science Class, Pratt Institute in Boiler Room.