[Throgs Neck.]
[Unidentified house in Throggs Neck.]
[Bruce Brown House.]
[Tiffany Development, Pelham Bay.]
[Ferris Grange.]
N.Y. Exchange in 1835 - Burnt 1835.
Residence, William Muschenheim, Riverdale, N.Y.
St. Paul's Chapel, St. Ann's Parish, Morrisania, Westchester, Co. N.Y.
[Libby Castle N.Y.]
Cromwell, Mr. J.H.R., Residence at Manursing Island, Rye, N.Y., Exterior of House and Grounds.
Tuxedo Park, N.Y., Residences, Churches, Depot, Boating. [The Armorey S. Carhart residence at Tuxedo Park, N.Y.]
Masonic Hall, Broadway, N.Y.