President Lincoln and Secretary Seward Signing the Proclamation of Freedom
Freedom to the Slaves.
Amphitheatrum Johnsonianum - Massacre of the Innocents At New Orleans, July 30, 1866.
Abraham Lincoln, The Great Emancipator.
"The Irrepressible Conflict".
Running the "Machine":
[Abraham Lincoln.]
Death of President Lincoln.
Order of the Procession [of the funeral of Abraham Lincoln.]
Excessively rare portrait of Abraham Lincoln published by Currier and Ives, 1860.
Abraham Lincoln
The Democracy in Search of a Candidate.
[Abraham Lincoln and his son Tad looking at an album of photographs]
City of New York.
Letting the Cat Out of the Bag!!
President Lincoln at Home
General Committee of Citizens on the Funeral Obsequies to the Memory of the Late President Lincoln.
The Political Gymnasium.
The First Cabinet