583 Riverside Drive at the corner West 135th Street. St. Francis Court.
538 Riverside Drive at the corner of West 135th Street. St. Francis Court apartment house.
[Broadway and 135th Street.]
West 179th Street at the N.E. corner of Broadway. Apartment house.
629 West 135th Street. Ridgefield Apartments
West 135th Street and Broadway, southeast corner. [Alterations for commercial building.]
81st Street at the N.E. corner of Broadway. General exterior.
180 Claremont Avenue at the N.E. corner of West 125th Street. The Springfield Apartment House.
Broadway at tbe N.E. corner of 123rd Street. The Regent Apartment House.
West 141st Street at the N.E. corner of Broadway. Apartment house [with businesses on the ground floor].
Broadway at the N.E. corner of 88th Street. Apartment house.
Ft. Washington Avenue at the corner of West 170th Street. General exterior.
215 West 75th Street at the N.E. corner Broadway. Apartments, general exterior.
155th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. Chapel of the Intercession from N.E. corner.
Broadway and N.E. corner of West 55th Street. Sonoma Apartment House after alteration.
West End Avenue at the N.E. corner of West 80th Street.
North West Corner of Broadway and 135th Street, New York.