Ziehler Albert, American Bus Truck Co., Interior, Lower Deck, Looking back.
Ziehler Albert, American Bus Truck Co., Interior, Upper Deck, Looking back.
Ziehler Albert, American Bus Truck Co., Interior, Lower Deck, Looking forward.
Ziehler Albert, American Bus Truck Co., Automobile, Double Deck Bus Broadside.
Ziehler Albert, American Bus Truck Co., Automobile, Double Deck Bus 3/4 Head on.
Ziehler Albert, American Bus Truck Co., Automobile, Double Deck Bus four-fifths, rear.
Ziehler Albert, American Bus Truck Co., Automobile, Double Deck Bus four-fifths head on.
Motorway Tours Co., Interior, of bus.
Motorway Tours, Interior of bus taking top of chairs.
Motorway Tours Co., Interior, pullman touring car, Central Park.
Motorway Tours, Automobile bus in front of 1682 B'way.
Automobile trucks.
Interiors, Albert Stevens, Drawing Room.
Interiors, Albert Stevens, Smoking Room.