Old Tavern
The Old Hellgate Tavern, Foot of 86th Street
"Old Tom's" and the "Crooked Stoop"
The Pewter Mug the Day After it Was Unroofed
The Croton Cottage, Fifth Ave. and 40th Street, 1865
The Stone Bridge Tavern, Broadway cor. Canal St. 1812
Fraunces Tavern
Fraunces Tavern, Built in 1700. Broad and Pearl Streets.
Fraunces Tavern, New York.
The Beach House, S.E. Corner of Greenwich and Cedar Streets Torn Down in 1878
Hull's Tavern
The Shakespeare Tavern New York.
The Historical "Blue Bell" in Revolutionary Days
The house in which Mrs. Alsop (daughter of Mrs. Jordan) died...
Broadway from Exchange Alley
The Lower Arsenal
De Peyster Mansion
Tripler's Hall, or Metropolitan Hall, 1854.
The New York Society Library, Nassau Street, Opposite the Middle Dutch Church, 1735
The Lower Market. 1717