Parade, Columbus Celebration, Princess Eulalia of Spain (Savoy H.).
Princess Eulalia of Spain Reviewing in Front of Savoy Hotel.
Spanish Princess Reviewing 7th Regiment, Savoy Hotel, New York, May 1893.
Street Scenes, Fifth Avenue Easter Parade, 59th Street (P. Eulalia).
[Spanish Princess Reviewing 7th Regiment, Savoy Hotel, New York, May 1893.]
Princess Eulalia, Savoy Hotel.
Parade, Dewey (Troop A)(1st Reg.Co.B)(West Point Cadets) Etc.
Parade, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. (Militia, Artillery, Sons of Rev.).
Police Parade--98.
Parade, New York Police Annual Parade. Supt. or Insp. Conlin.
Parade, Brooklyn Police.
Parade; Gov. Morton's Staff, Gen. McAlpin, Col. J.J. Astor.
Columbian Celebration Official Programme
Funeral, Isaac E. Hoagland of Old Guard N.Y.
[Funeral of Icaac E. Hoagland of Old Guard N.Y.]