West 92nd Street. St. Agnes Protestant Episcopal Chapel.
West 91st Street. St. Agnes Protestant Episcopal Chapel interior.
West 25th Street. Trinity Chapel altar.
West 26th Street. Trinity Chapel, detail of altar.
481 Hudson Street. St. Luke's Protestant Episcopal Chapel, altar view.
93rd Street and Broadway. St. Agnes Chapel. Detail of Watson stained glass window.
Chapel of St. Cornelius the Centurian, side altar.
Chapel of the Intercession. Altar.
6 East 92nd Street.
Broadway between Fulton and Vesey Streets. Altar at St. Paul's Chapel.
320 Central Park West and 92nd Street, S.W. corner. Ardsley Apartments, extra view.
Chapel of the Intercession. Detail of altar.
6 East 92nd Street. Residence.
215 West 92nd Street at Broadway. The Clayton apartments
320 Central Park West. Ardsley Apartments, general view exterior looking S.E. along 92nd Street front.
45-47 East 92nd Street. Apartments.
West 91st Street. St. Agnes Protestant Episcopal Church, rectory.
Columbus Avenue between West 59th Street and West 60th Street. St.Paul the Apostle Church, Donovan altar.
Riverside Drive and 92nd Street. Apartment house.
[View from Rex Beach's penthouse, Central Park West and 92nd Street.]