I'm Another Ferraro Fan!! Ferraro for U.S. Senate
Wilkie FIrst Voter
Harriet May Mills, Vice-Pres't Woman's Suffrage Ass'n Ella Hawley Crossett, Pres't
For Congress Herbert Parsons
For Congress Chas. S. Adler
3 Campaign buttons .5 benj. F. Tracy 1897 .6 henry george 1897 .7 henry george 1897
For Congress Henry Birrell
For Assembly George B. Agnew
For Congress James W. Perry
Geraldine Ulmar
No Franklin the First
For Mayor of Greater New York Henry George
Liz Holtzman For Senator
[Geraldine Ulmar, Kate Forster and Geraldine St. Maur.]
Herman Badillo Nuestro Tiempo ha Llegado!