Education, Cooking School for Shop Girls.
Schools, Mrs. Huntingdon's Cooking School.
Education, N.Y. Cooking School, Nurses' Course.
Education, N.Y. Cooking School, Ladies' Bible Class.
Education, N.Y. Cooking School, Men's Class.
Education, Christ Church Cooking Class.
Education, Cooking School, Mrs. Huntingdon's.
Cooking School (Miss Huntington's).
Cooking School [Mrs. Huntingdon's].
Education, Berkeley School.
Education, Schools, Typewriting.
Education, Cash Boys' School at Wanamaker's.
Pianos, N.Y. Piano Conservatory & School of Affiliated Arts, Small Studio.
Schools, Berkeley Lyceum Dramatic School.
Pianos, N.Y. Piano Conservatory & School of Affiliated Arts, Large Studio.
[St. Augustine's Parochial School, Larchmont, N.Y.]