Broadway between 89th and 90th Streets. Astor Court, entrance hallway.
Broadway between 89th and 90th Streets. Astor Court detail of cornice.
Broadway between 89th and 90th Streets. Astor Court.
320 West 89th Street. Apartment house.
West 89th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. Apartment house.
Broadway between 89th and 90th Streets. Astor Court, view of gardens in court.
320 West 89th Street. Apartment house
West 89th Street. B'nai Jeshurun Community House. Director's room.
West 89th Street. B'nai Jeshurun Community House. Billiard room.
205 West 89th Street. Astor Court, detail of entrance.
808 West End Avenue at West 99th Street. Allendale Apartments. Interior, living room
Riverside Drive at 89th Street. Soldiers and Sailors Monument.
111-115 East 89th Street. Apartments, exterior.
808 West End Avenue. Allendale Apartments. Interior, living room, dining room
5 Riverside Drive. Apartment building. Interior, living room
West 89th Street. B'nai Jeshurun. Auditorium lobby.
23 West 76th Street. Carl Boker residence, dining room.
West 89th Street near West End Avenue. B'nai Jeshurun. Woman's club room.
West 89th Street. B'nai Jeshurun Community House. Interior of men's club room.
West 89th Street. B'nai Jeshurun. Foyer hall, ground floor.