Monday evening, April 12, 1847, will be revived the tragic play of "Pizarro; or, the Death of Rolla"
Last night but two of the engagement of Miss E. Tree, "Much Ado About Nothing", on Tuesday evening, October 24
Last night but two of the engagement of Miss Ellen Tree. On Tuesday evening, April 11, will be performed the comedy of "As You Like It"
On Monday evening, April 17, will be performed the drama of "Lucille; or, The Story of a Heart"
Last night but one of the engagement of Miss Ellen Tree. Wednesday evening, April 12, will be performed the comedy of "Much Ado About Nothing"
For the benefit of Miss Ellen Tree, "Twelfth Night; or, What You Will", on Friday evening, April 14
"The Dumb Belle" on Saturday evening, May 23, 1835
Third and last night but seven of the engagement of Mr. & Mrs. Wood and Mr. Brough, "La Sonnambula", Thursday evening, May 19, 1836
Last night but two of the last engagement of Mr. Kemble, and Miss Fanny Kemble this season. "Francis the First", Monday evening, June 3
Fifth night of the engagement of Miss Ellen Tree, "Much Ado About Nothing", on Wednesday, April 5
Last night but three of the farewell engagement of Mr. & Mrs. Wood. "Robert the Devil; or, The Mystic Branch" on Thursday evening, May 22, 1834
For the benefit of Mrs. Seguin, and last appearance but one of Mrs. Seguin, Mr. Frazer, Mr. Delavanti and Mr. Seguin, "The Postillion of Lonjumeau", Monday evening, January 5, 1846
Mr. Macready, first night of his farewell engagement, in "Hamlet", Monday evening, September 16, 1844
First night of "The Favorite", Monday, October 4, 1847
Tuesday evening, March 17, 1840, will be performed the comedy of "The Provoked Husband; or, A Journey to Town"
For the benefit of Mr. Power. Wednesday evening, March 30, will be performed the comedy of "Etiquette Run Mad; or, A Wife For a Blunder"
For the benefit of Miss Clifton on which occasion Madame Lecomte will appear. On Friday evening, December 15, will be performed the tragedy of "Venice Preserved"
Monday evening, October 12, will be performed for the first time on any stage, a play in five acts, entitled "The Wife's Secret"
Monday, June 13, 1853, benefit of Mr. Wallack and last night of Shakespeare's comedy of "As You Like It" with Mr. Wallack as Jacques
For the benefit of Miss White, the opera, "Inkle and Yarico", Monday evening, June 16, 1806