U.S.S. "New York", 1892.
Harlem Slum Area, Wesley MacArdell Films.
Yachts, "Valkyrie", 2nd & 3rd Cup Challenger and Tender City of Bridgeport.
M.S. "Augustus".
[The "Paris" in Dock.]
[S.S. "Normandie".]
[The "Paris" in Dock, Masts and Rigging.]
[S.S. "Umbria".]
Fire, North German Lloyd Docks, Hoboken, N.J., S.S. "Bremen", "Saale".
[French Line, S.S. "Normandie, In Dock.]
[S.S. "Duilio".]
[A Man Playing Cards.]
View of S.S. "Bergensfjord", Norweigan-America Line.
Club, Larchmont Yacht Club, Larchmont, N.Y.
[Radiograms, Upper Level, French Line, Pier #88, N.R.]
[French Line, Pier #88, N.R. New York.]