[A Lounge with Billiard Tables.]
[A Man Playing Cards.]
Portrait, Edwin Gould Playing Pool at Residence, Rhine Cliffe, N.Y.
[Table Tennis.]
Billiard Room -- Railroad Men's Building.
[Rogers Estate, "Port of Missing Men", Lower Corridor, Leading to Library & Swimming Pool, Southampton, L.I.]
[A Lounge.]
[Rogers Estate, "Port of Missing Men", Glass and Grill in Front of Small Court Near Swimming Pool, Southampton, L.I.]
Y.M.C.A. Building, Naval Branch, Brooklyn.
[S.S. "Washington", Swimming Pool, Cabin Class.]
[S.S. "Normandie", Swimming Pool and Bar, Cabin Class.]
[Rogers Estate, "Port of Missing Men", Waterfront of Swimming Pool and Library Buildings, Southampton, L.I.]
[S.S. "Normandie", Swimming Pool, Cabin Class.]
[Roosevelt Hospital, Men's Ward.]
[Unidentified Lounge.]
[Rogers Estate, "Port of Missing Men", Steps Looking Towards Swimming Pool Building, Southampton, L.I.]
[Staff Lounge.]