[S.S. "Normandie", Engine Room, COntrol Bridge, Chief Engineer Jean Hazard.]
[M.S. "Oregon", Engine Room.]
[S.S. "Normandie", Engine Room Looking Aft.]
[S.S. "Normandie", Starboard Side of Engine Room.]
[S.S. "Normandie", Chief Engineer Jean Hazard and Some of his Officers.]
[S.S. "Normandie", Engine Room, Control Board.]
[French Line, S.S. "Normandie", Engine Room, Looking Forward & Starboard.]
[French Line, S.S. "Normandie", Engineers.]
French Line, S.S. "Jacques Cartier" Training Ship, Interior, Engineers Class Room.
[Loading an Airplane onto a Ship.]
[S.S. "Normandie", One of the Many Sections of Oil Burning Boilers.]
[S.S. "Normandie", Lighting Up an Oil Burning Boiler.]
French Line, S.S. "San Diego", Interior, Engine Room.
Ships, Hamburg American Line, S.S. "Kaiserin Auguste Victoria".
French Line, S.S. "Paris", Interior, Engine Room Looking Toward Indicator Board.
French Line, S.S. "Normandie" Engine Room, Looking Forward & Across Towards Starboard.