Lexington Avenue Subway at 96th Street Station, #5. West wall of east tunnel, from track level.
Lexington Avenue Subway at 96th Street Station, #4. North face of tunnel wall, east to west.
Lexington Avenue Subway at 96th Street Station, #2. South portion of west tunnel looking south.
Lexington Avenue and 96th Street. Subway station, interior.
[Subway station at 96th Street and Lexington Avenue.]
107-109 West 96th Street. From stoop of 104 West 96th Street looking northwest at 107-109 West 96th Street, 11:48am.
1230 Park Avenue near 96th Street. Apartments, exterior.
[Madison Avenue and 96th Street.]
107-109 West 96th Street. From in front of 106 West 96th St. looking north at 107-109 West 96th Street, 11:48am.
5th Avenue and 96th Street. Apartment building, general exterior.
66th Street and Lexington Avenue, S.E. corner. St. Vincent Ferrer Church, detail of crucifixion panel over entrance.
View of 96th Street reservoir from 350 Central Park West.
47 West 96th Street. Rendering by Schaeffler.