[W. Somerset Maugham.]
[Mia Slavenska, Frederic Franklin, and Lois Ellyn dancing in the Slavenska-Franklin Ballet company.]
[Willa Cather.]
[Abe Lastfogel, talent scout and president of the William Morris Agency.]
[Mary Blair.]
[Robert W. Dowling.]
[W. W. Atterbury, president of Pennsylvania Railroad.]
[Jo Mielziner.]
[John Halliday.]
[Lucille Webster Gleason.]
[Wilmarth S. Lewis, collector of works by and about Horace Walpole.]
[Lonnie Sattin, William Kee and Tina Sattin in "Ballad of Jazz Street".]
[Dudley Digges.]
[J. C. Nugent.]
[Walter D. Teague.]
[Tennessee Williams.]
[Sidney Toler.]