[Claire Luce as Katharina in "The Taming of the Shrew" and Robert Sterling as Charley Stewart and Sarah Churchill as Nancy Willard in "Gramercy Ghost".]
["The Winter's Tale" theater still.]
["Camelot" theater still.]
["Dial 'M' for Murder" theater still.]
["Season in the Sun" theater still.]
["The Seven Year Itch" theater still.]
["The Game of Love and Chance" theater still.]
["The Genius and the Goddess" theater still.]
["Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" theater stills.]
["Legend of Lovers" theater still.]
["The Green Pastures" theater still.]
["Kiss and Tell" theater still.]
["The Love of Four Colonels" theater still.]
["Second Threshold" theater still.]
["A Second String" theater still.]
["Send Me No Flowers" theater still.]
["Craig's Wife" theater still.]
["Watch on the Rhine" theater still.]
["The Little Hut" theater still.]
["Out West of Eighth" theater still.]