561 Broadway. Singer Building. Sumitomo Bank, Interior.
[The Little Singer Building, 561 Broadway.]
149 Broadway. Sumitomo Bank, interior.
Canal Street at the S.W. corner of Broadway. National City Bank.
112 6th Avenue. West Side Savings Bank, interior.
496 West Broadway. J. Personeni, show window.
555 Broadway. Charles Broadway Rouss Building
Broadway and Prince Street. Niblo's Garden, 1887.
491 Broadway near Broome Street. General exterior.
345 Hudson Street. Standard Statistics Building.
Washington Street and King Street. Baker Smith and Co. Building.
149 Broadway. Sumitomo Bank, group portrait [of employees].
639 Broadway. Interior, steam generator
112 Grand Street. Loft building.
583 Broadway. Kramer Bros., steam boiler, drying oven and plating vat.
596 Broadway. Engel, Hess and Co., steam boiler and nozzles for steaming feathers.
Greenwich Street at the N.E. corner of Spring Street. Building.