Building, Budd, 572 Fifth Avenue.
Building, E.M. Gattle Co. (Jewellers) 630 Fifth Ave.
Building, Driecer & Co. (Jewellers) 560 Fifth Ave.
Buildings, 101 Fifth Avenue.
Building, Moe Levy & Co. (clothiers) 1439 B'way at Walker St.
[101 Fifth Avenue.]
568-70 Fifth Ave., 1915, 568 Gidding Bldg. Bet. 46th and 47th Sts.- W. Side.
Fifth Avenue and 33rd Street.
572 5th Avenue. Budd Building.
Gattle E.M. & Co., Jewellers, Fifth Avenue.
53 W. 32nd St. N.Y.
M. Tecla Co.