E.W. Bonson.
Lawson Aircraft Co., 3/4 view of passenger body of aeoroplane.
Lawson Aircraft Co., Broadside of body of aeoroplane.
Lawson Aircraft Co., Part of Airplane.
Lawson Aircraft Co., End view of Body of Aeoroplane.
Lawson Aircraft Co., Aeoroplane Head on.
Lawson Aircraft Co., Aeoroplane under construction at Garewood N.J., Broadside.
Lawson Aircraft Co., Interior, view of Body showing seating space.
Durkee E.R. & Co., Elmhurst L.I., Interior, Salad Dressing Filling Machine.
E. R. Durkee & Co., Elmhurst L.I., Interior, Engine Room.
E. R. Durkee & Co., Elmhurst L.I., Interior, Bookkeeping Department.
E. & W. Collar Manufactors.
Durkee, E. R. & Co., Elmhurst L.I., Machine for Putting Bottles in Cartons.
Madison Square Garden, March 1919.
Sports, W.E. Clow (Champion) Rabbott, & D.H. Barrows.