North Interior View of the New York Post Office
J. P. Morgan's Residence, New York City.
South Interior View of the New York Post Office.
New York Iron Foundry, Printing Press & Saw Manufactory, H. Worrall & Co.
57th Street and Fifth Avenue. Residence: Built 1868 for Mary Mason Jones; Later occupied by Mrs. Parish Stevens, then H. Oelrichs, now an office building
Residence of Bishop Potter, N. Y. City
Fifth Avenue, New York City
Residence of Andrew Carnegie, New York.
Residence of Bishop Potter, N.Y. City.
Famous Churches of New York City.
New Jersey Rail Road & Transportation Cos. Steam Ferry Boat "New York" Plying Between Cortland St. & Jersey City
A. T. Stewart's Residence [Photographs of New York City.]
City of New York
Hanover Buildings, Hanover Square, N.Y.
Opening of the new post office in Nassau Street on January 28, 1845
Famous Churches of New York City
First Methodist Episcopal Church and Parsonage in America,
Pennsylvania Station, New York City
Bishop Potters Residence, Riverside Drive, N.Y. City.