Social Functions, Ball, Officers & Men of U.S.F.S. "Alabama".
Ball and Banquet Given by Members of the United States Flagship "Alabama" in Honor of their Esteemed Admiral C.H. Davis, U.S.N. Grand Central Palace, N.Y., Autumn 1906.
Social Functions, Ball, Loyal Order of Moose.
Admiral Sampson.
Portrait, Fighting Bob Evans (Rear Admiral U.S.N.) Capt. Pillsbury.
U.S.S. New York Sailors, Dewey.
[The Hotel Ansonia Ball-Room.]
Officers and men from the U.S.S. "Maryland" listening to a talk by Chef Leoni in Ballroom of Hotel Commodore.
The Hotel Ansonia Ball-Room.
[Flag Dance,] Hotel Ansonia, [Decorations].
Monuments, Grant Monument Dedication. Gen. Grant's Statue on Horse.