68th St., 5th Ave., Geo. Gould.
George Gould, 5th Ave. 61st St., N.E. Corner.
Geo. J. Gould, 857 Fifth Ave.
George Gould, 5th Ave. 67th St. N.E. Corner.
[The C. T. Yerkes Residence on the Southeast Corner of 5th Ave. and 68th St.]
Street Scene - 1900, Fifth Ave. at 68th St.
Geo. Gould's Residence (5th Ave. 67th St.)
Street Scene, 1901, Fifth Ave. 68th to 67th St.
Eldridge T. Gerry, 5th Ave. 61st St., N.Y.
800 5th Ave. 61st St.
Buildings, 65th Street & 5th Avenue.
857 Fifth Ave. at 67th Street. [The George Gould Residence.]
Residence, W.C. Whitney, Secy. of Navy, N.E. Corner of 68th St.
Street Scenes, 1901, 5th Ave. 60st to 60th Sts (Gerry House).
1 East 74th St. and 5th Ave.
Street Scene, 1899, 5th Ave. & 61st St. (Gerry House).
Buildings, 70th Street & 5th Avenue.
[The William C. Whitney Residence, Northeast Corner of Fifth Avenue and 68th Street.]