Group of Sailors from the U.S.S. "Maryland" in the Ashroom of Commodore Hotel.
Officers and men from the U.S.S. "Maryland" listening to a talk by Chef Leoni in Ballroom of Hotel Commodore.
Photograph of Hotel Commodore, Interior group of students from Science Class, Pratt Institute in Boiler Room.
Commodore Hotel, The Supper Room.
Group of Policemen at Hotel Commodore.
Hotel Commodore, Interior, group, Efficiency Board--Mr. Sweeney & Dept. Heads.
Hotel Commodore, Group of 2, Chef Leoni & Miss ______ of Toronto.
Commodore Hotel, Interior, Lobby, Auto Show.
Commodore Hotel.
Commodore Hotel, Cafe.
Hotel Commodore.
Hotel Commodore, Group on roof, Chef Leoni and cooks.
Furnace and boiler room