Spanish Group - State Participation Area, Section B-B and North Elevation
Plan, House of Magic, garden terrace, Steinmetz Hall and exhibition
[Twin light tower outside the Hall of Special Events]
Design for Hall of Music
Haiti and Uruguay Building
Domestic Utilities Building and Plan
Last Week of the 1940 Fair [Night at the Trylon and Perisphere.]
First floor plan of building located between Street of Wheels and Main Street
Perspective drawing and plan of interior space for U.S.Lines
[Colored drawing of views of concession stands, New York World's Fair].
Transportation Building
The Perisphere
Eighth Avenue World's Fair Station
Stage at Columbia Recording Company Building, New York World' Fair 1939.
Small House - Model Village - preliminary scheme for sales survey
Information stand, circular type
Small house - Model Village preliminary scheme for sale survey
Forward March of America [Interior of Theme Center]
Spanish Group, State Participation Area