Under the "El" Tracks.
Sitting on Crates.
Children in front of the Jersey Pork Store, Harlem.
Street Scene with Borden's Milk Sign.
Drink Borden's Milk, 8th Avenue and 125th Street.
Sybil's Beauty Salon.
Street Scene with Newsstand.
G & C Food Market, Lenox Fruit and Vegetable Market.
Dry Cleaners.
Mother with Baby Carriage, Harlem.
Newsstand, Harlem.
Harlem Street Scene, Shops.
Street Scene Outside Daniel's Bar and Grill.
Street Scene in Harlem in front of Daniel's Bar and Grill.
Pushcart Selling Cakes.
Two Men on a Harlem Stoop.
Peace Shine 3 Cents.
Two Women in a Storefront.
134th Street and Fifth Avenue.
133rd Street between 5th and Lenox Avenues.