Interior, Queensboro Corp. 14 East 41st., Hand Carved Fireplace and Mantle.
Interiors, Queensboro Corp., 82nd St. and Polk Ave., Jackson Heights, L.I., Fireplace and Nook.
Interior, Rosenberg, Inc. 16 East 52nd St., Hand carved Door.
Interior, Residence, 10 East 79th St., Fireplace.
Interior, Wood Carved Mantlepiece.
Interior, Rosenberg, Inc. 16 East 52nd St., Hand Carved Door.
[333 East 41st Street.]
[Broadway -- East Cor. of 41st St.]
[East 41st Street and Tudor City Place. Tudor City. Interior, lounge with fireplace in hotel.]
East 41st Street and Tudor City Place. Tudor City. Interior, lounge with fireplace in hotel
[East Side of Fifth Ave. from 42nd to 41st Sts.]
16 East 41st Street. General exterior.
J. Nikolaus Restaurant, 99 Second Ave. Interior, Second Floor Dining Room Fireplace.
Interior, Residence, 10 East 79th St., Casements and Seat.
East 41st Street. Fischbach and Moore Inc.
[East Side of Fifth Ave. from 41st to 40th Sts.]
9 East 41st Street. General exterior.
[Brill Brothers building, 41st Street at Madison.]
[Hotel Concord, 50 East 41st Street.]
475 Fifth Avenue and 46 East 41st Street. Doorway