Theatrical, Costumers Simpson Crawford & Simpson, 6th [Ave] and 22nd St.
Theatrical, Cosutmers New York Theatre, Broadway & 45th Street.
Simpson Crawford & Simpson, Costumers.
Shop Window - 1905. Simpson Crawford Co. 311 6th Ave. (19th-20th Sts.).
Simpson Crawford Co.
Theatrical, Wardrobe Rooms.
Christmas 6th Ave. [Sixth Avenue Looking South from Below 22nd Street.]
Building, 22nd St. & Fourth Ave.
6th Ave & 23rd St.
Cafes, Prize Fighters, George Dixon, 6th Ave. & 32nd St.
34th St. Bet. 6th & 7th Ave. City.
Building, 32nd St. B'way & 6th Ave. South side (Now Imperial Hotel).
Fifth Avenue and 22nd Street.