New York - Delegate - American Street Railway Association
Compliment of Volunteer Firemen's Ass'n of City of New York to Hope Steam Engine Co. No. 2, Harrisburgh, PA. Sept. 20-24, 1909.
25th Anniversary of the 54th Regiment N.[ew] Y.[ork] V.[eteran] V.[olunteers]
Fire Patrol N.Y.C.
N.Y. Zouave
2nd Home. The N.Y. Foundling Hospital -- 3 N. Washington Sq.
B.[rooklyn] V.[olunteer] F.[ire] A.[ssociation] Souvenir Columbus and Dedication of Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial Arch, Brooklyn, Oct. 21, 1892.
A Picnic in the Park Scene of "The Golden Land", Public Theatre, 2nd Ave. at 4th St., N.Y.C.
Second Annual Reception of the 5th N.Y. Vol. Veteran Association Duryee Zouaves
U. S. Vol.[unteer] Life Saving Corps
Dedication of Grant Monument
[F.D.N.Y. fire wagon.]
Trinity Church, after fire 1776, 2nd corner stone laid August 2nd 1788.