New York - Delegate - American Street Railway Association
Compliment of Volunteer Firemen's Ass'n of City of New York to Hope Steam Engine Co. No. 2, Harrisburgh, PA. Sept. 20-24, 1909.
25th Anniversary of the 54th Regiment N.[ew] Y.[ork] V.[eteran] V.[olunteers]
Fire Patrol N.Y.C.
N.Y. Zouave
2nd Home. The N.Y. Foundling Hospital -- 3 N. Washington Sq.
B.[rooklyn] V.[olunteer] F.[ire] A.[ssociation] Souvenir Columbus and Dedication of Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial Arch, Brooklyn, Oct. 21, 1892.
Second Annual Reception of the 5th N.Y. Vol. Veteran Association Duryee Zouaves
A Picnic in the Park Scene of "The Golden Land", Public Theatre, 2nd Ave. at 4th St., N.Y.C.
Dedication of Grant Monument
[F.D.N.Y. fire wagon.]
U. S. Vol.[unteer] Life Saving Corps
Trinity Church, after fire 1776, 2nd corner stone laid August 2nd 1788.