Residence, Interiors and Portrait of Mrs. Herman Lewis.
Residence, Mrs. Frank Leslie.
Portrait, Mr. Reginald de Koven's Residence Interiors & Painting.
Interiors, Mrs. Leoni, Parlor.
Interiors, Mrs. Leoni, Dining Room.
[Interiors, Mrs. Frank Leslie, Drawing Room.]
Residence, Mrs. L.C. Simpson, Hotel Lorraine.
Interiors, Drawing Room.
Portrait, Mrs. Leslie Carter and Residence Interiors.
Drawing Rooms, Private Residences.
[Interiors, Mrs. Hughes, Drawing Room.]
Interiors, Miss Ford, Sitting Room.
Hotel Astor, Broadway & 45th Street, Interior of Parlor (Private) on First Floor of Hotel Astor (Mrs. Manville).