Charities, Bide-A-Wee Home for Animals.
Bide-A-Wee Home for Animals, Exterior Scene with Horses.
[The Havemeyer House. Southwest Corner of Madison Avenue and 38th Street.]
Broadway and 28th Street.
[Broadway North from 38th St.]
Fifth Avenue and 39th Street.
Broadway North from 38th Street.
Brooklyn Home & Training School for Girls, Exterior, Gate & Main Entrance, Building.
The Brooklyn Training School & Home for Girls, 1483 Pacific Exterior of Building from Street.
[Dutch and grill rooms, Hotel Martinique.]
Interiors: Chinese Room, 1894, Theo Havemeyer, SW Cor. 38th and Madison Ave.
Broadway, South from 32nd Street.
Sports, Football.
B'klyn Training School & Home for Young Girls, Group Superintendant and Two Girls.
[West Side of Fifth Ave. from 37th to 38th Sts.]
[West Side of Fifth Ave. from 38th to 39th Sts.]
[James A. Farley Post Office Building.]