[View of East River and promenade].
[View of East River and promenade through window].
[View of East River and promenade, with barge in the river].
10 Gracie Square. Apartment building, view from East River looking west.
[View of parks, Gracie Mansion, and East River from above].
10 Gracie Square, East 84th Street. View through window looking N.E. over river.
Gracie Square South. View from roof of doctor's hospital looking south east to show #7 Gracie Square.
[View of terrace and East River].
[View of East River and terrace].
190 East End Avenue at 90th Street. View due east of roof deck and Gracie square.
7 Gracie Square. Apartments, view from park.
[View of East River through a window].
[View of park and Gracie Mansion].
9 Gracie Square South.
[View of a barge on the East River].
[View through window of a boat on the East River].