Federal Reserve Bank [in the] Equitable Building, vault, interior view.
Nassau Street and Maiden Lane. Federal Reserve Bank, final view.
Woolworth Building, bank vaults from east end.
Broadway and Cedar Street. Equitable Building. Empire safe deposit vaults, general view showing coupon booths.
120 Broadway. Equitable Building, Bank of Yokohama.
Federal Reserve Bank Warehouse. Maiden Lane and Gold Street
119 Broad Street. Building, exterior view.
120 Broadway. Equitable Building, Russell Miller Co., bank screen.
Woolworth Building, vault.
120 Broadway. Equitable Building, Blythe and Co., small bank screen.
Chemical Bank and Trust Co., main bank vault.
Woolworth Building, general view of exterior.
Woolworth Building. Safe deposit vault.
120 Broadway. Equitable Building.
51 Broadway. Bank vault, first floor.
Broadway and Cedar Street. Equitable Building. Guggenheim Co., 34th floor, view in corridor.
Broadway and Cedar Street. Equitable Building. Empire Safe Deposit Vaults, detail of coupon booth.
80 Pine Street. Office building, exterior view from S.E.
Philippine National Bank in the Woolworth Building. Banking rooms.