Stone group #33, general exterior #9. [Two stone houses.]
167 Greenway North. General exterior.
80 Continental Avenue. General exterior.
53 Underwood Road. General exterior.
82 Tennis Place. General exterior.
Group of houses by railroad.
Continental Avenue. Forestdale apartments, exterior, general view.
134 Puritan Avenue. General exterior.
Archway Place. South Group of houses on Village Green roadway under house.
93-95 Puritan Avenue. General exterior.
Group of houses, Greenway North and Puritan Avenue, #11.
Group of houses along railroad east of Inn, #6.
General bird's-eye view [of housing development] from tower looking south across green.
Detail of end house, south group on green near hotel, #4.
Crayon rendering, Forest Hills Gardens, Group 48.
Park City Estates, general view of four buildings.