178th Street and Ft. Washington. 4th Church of Christ, Scientist, chancel.
178th Street and Ft. Washington Avenue. 4th Church of Christ Scientist, progress view .
178th Street and Ft. Washington Avenue. 4th Church of Christ, Scientist, record view.
178th Street and Ft. Washington Avenue. 4th Church of Christ, Scientist , detail of ceiling.
178th Street and Ft. Washington Avenue. 4th Church of Christ, Scientist, detail of front.
178th Street and Ft. Washington Avenue. 4th Church of Christ, Scientist, south side corridor.
178th Street and Ft. Washington Avenue. 4th Church of Christ, Scientist, general exterior.
178th Street and Ft. Washington Avenue. 4th Church of Christ Scientist, progress view.
178th Street. 4th Church of Christ, Scientist, exterior.
178th Street and Ft. Washington Avenue. 4th Church of Christ, Scientist, general view of Lobby.
178th Street and Ft. Washington Avenue. 4th Church of Christ, Scientist, detail of one end lobby.
178th Street and Ft. Washington Avenue. 4th Church of Christ, Scientist, view of depression in Ft. Washington road north of 178th Street, north curb.
178th Street and Ft. Washington Avenue. Church of Christ, Scientist, construction record view.
178th Street and Ft. Washington Avenue. Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist, progress view.