New York Worlds Fair, League of Nations, exterior.
New York Worlds Fair, Romania House, exterior with tower.
New York Worlds Fair, Y.M.C.A. exterior.
New York Worlds Fair, Venezuela Building, exterior detail in garden.
New York Worlds Fair, General Electric Building.
New York World's Fair, Equitable Life Assurance Building, general rear view, day.
New York World's Fair, Equitable Life Assurance Building, general front view, day.
New York Worlds Fair, Federal Building, general bird's-eye view.
New York Worlds Fair, League of Nations, exterior [International Cooperation statue].
New York Worlds Fair, Glass Building, exterior, courtyard exhibit.
1964-1965 New York World's Fair, Administration Building, general bird's-eye looking N.W.
New York Worlds Fair, General Electric Tower, angle view.
New York Worlds Fair, Glass Products Building, general front view from S.W..