Door marked "Only entrance to Wurts Brothers Studio", Wurts Brothers, Marbridge Building.
[34th Street and 6th Avenue]. Marbridge Building, rooms #1164-#1163, view of lobby to show cameragrafters junk, Wurts Bros. Studio printed on door.
[Wurts Bros. studio entrance sign. 1328 Broadway.]
Wurts Brothers signs.
[Norman or Lionel Wurts in studio.]
30 Rockefeller Plaza. NBC studio. Interior, large entrance doors to show lead work
[Entrance to unidentified building.]
[Lionel Wurts with his mother in his studio.]
[Entrance to an unidentified building.]
39 Broadway. Harriman Building, entrance door at 37 Broadway.
[Entrance to Telephone Building.]
[Entrance to the RCA Building.]
1328 Broadway. Street view with Marbridge building.
350 Fifth Avenue. Empire State Building. Detail entrance doors
Idlewild Kennedy Airport, Civil Aeronautic Building, detail of north entrance doors